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Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Fifth car and my First after High School

This is a photo of a 1956 Ford. Other than mine being solid white it is identical.

I purchased this car in Albany Georgia from the Ford dealership where my father worked. Can't remeber the exact price but $500.00 sticks in my mind for some reason. It was then 1966.

I had joined the Air Force six months before I graduated on what they called the delayed enlistment program at that time. You could join and did not have to actually enter the Air Force until you graduated high school.

So just two short days after graduation I was on a bus to Atlanta Georgia to be inducted into the Air Force.

After getting my physical I was given a date to report to Amarillo, Texas for basic training. It lasted only six weeks. Because of the Viet Nam War they were pushing people through pretty fast.

I joined the Air Force to see the world. So when I finished basic I was sent to Cheanute Air Force Base in Illinois for Jet Engine Tech School. Was there 21 weeks and received my first permanent base asignment. Of all placec they sent me right back to south Georgia.

Since my high school graduation my parents had moved to Albany Georgia, the same town I was assigned to. I reported to Turner Air Force Base in Albany Georgia and my parents lived less than a mile from the front gate. Well so much for seeing the world I thought. I lived off base in my parents house. Hmm, it was like going to work at a regular job every day and still living at home. I was not happy that I was not traveling the world. Little did I know what was in store for me the next couple of years. This was all took place in 1966.

I will give more details in my coming post. Yall have a good day now ...yeah heah...and God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, those were popular back then. It’s quite unfortunate, though, that you didn’t get to use it for a long time. Still, it’s pretty amazing that you had fond memories of this Ford, despite your brief ownership over it. That’s proof that your car will always have a special place to a person no matter what happens.

    Maria Wegner
